
See Me in an Upcoming Meetup

Every Saturday 8PM Central Time:

Currently on hold: (50+ Events Taught)

Past Guest Presenter

An Alternative to Selenium: Automated Testing Using Cypress (with Javascript) – QA Automation Meetup – November 2018

Creating a Mobile App MVP: Picking the Right Tech for Your Startup! – Plano Entrapaneurs Meetup – May 2019

Test All the Things: Getting Started With Angular Unit and E2E Tests – Dallas Angular Heroes – June 2019

Anyone Can Do QA Automation: A Starter for Devs, Manual QAs and BAs – QA Automation Meetup – September 2019

Past Recurring Presenter

Intro to Coding: HTML & CSS – General Assembly
March 2018 – October 2018 – 5 Meetups Taught Total