“The nerd book of the summer.”—Tom Keene, Bloomberg TV “Whether you run an organization or are simply trying to survive modern life, this book is gold.”—Chris Anderson, curator of TED Talks Armed with a few simple rules, you can tackle even the most complex of problems. Drawing on more than a decade of rigorous research, Sull and Eisenhardt provide a clear framework for developing effective rules and making them better over time. They find insights…
Oh, deep to my core I love this book. Now, as the authors mention, not all things can be handled by simple rules, but I think that practicing simple rules across a lot of applications of daily and work life is key to finding the balance between making good decisions, and not making them at all.
Some of the things that stuck with me from this book:
- A simple rule for investment that beats almost anything else is the diversity of types of investments rule (put your eggs in a lot of different baskets).
- Simple rules can be used as constraints to provide guide-rails for your projects
Finished in 2015/2016